It does sound like the dot-matrix display with the touch screen buttons would use a lot of the memory, but I don't know how much it uses for certain. The D0 is the receiving half of that UART port so if you tried to make it an output, you would end up experiencing trouble over ever getting the program to load onto your board. Out of the available pins, it makes sense that the D1 pin on the Uno is the only pin that would work since it is the output pin for the UART communication port that the board uses to communicate with your computer via a USB cable. I'm sorry for not responding to this earlier, so I'll see if I can help shed some light on things. The 255 is special in that you don't have to figure out what they want as an interrupt number. I used the Arduino SPI.usingInterrupt() function as described in and even better in I found the interrupt and non-interrupt use of SPI could interfere with each other. That display access is slow, but slow is acceptable. I have been doing the display interface in the non-interrupt code.

I do all of my access to the Analog Shield in a timer1-driven interrupt routine. I am trying that dot matrix display now/ Results seem promising. It then also uses the D2, D3, D5, and D6 as you noticed. Consequently, this means that D11 and D12 are both used by MOSI and MISO, and D13 used by the SPI clock. The Analog Shield actually does use SPI the schematic from TI doesn't show that very clearly, but both the ADC and DAC on the shield use SPI to communicate their data with the Uno. I hope the DipTrace layout is useful to somebody. Blue lines are ratlines for some of the grounds, and may be ignored.ġ.
Any opinions as to which is/are most likely to be available, even if I upgrade to a different display shield in the future?Īttached PDF is expanded scale. I expect to only need 1 or 2 Uno output port pins to my exclusive use. That would seem to leave me with Uno D0, D1, D11, D12 to use for my own use by my shield. The Uno uses D13 for its LED, but could be shared in a pinch. As far as I can tell, that uses Arduino signals D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9 and AD0. The Analog Shield uses Uno D2,D3, D5, D6 (P7-3,4,6,7) for its data to or from the Uno.Īs an aside, on my specific project, I have a Sainsmart 2x16 LCD Keypad-Shield that will go atop my custom shield. I made a copy of my in-progress layout, and stripped out the components. I think it is correct, but I have not had a board built.

My board may end up bigger than the Analog shield, but I have put a board outline into the file that matches the 2.1 by 3.1 inch dimensions of the Analog Shield. The component designations and pin numbers match those of the Analog Shield. It could even be useful to somebody making an unrelated shield for Uno by stripping out the P1, P2, and P3 headers on the left and adjusting the board outline. I thought I might post what could be a useful DipTrace base layout for a shield to use with the Analog Shield on an Arduino Uno.